Benefits Of Registering An LLC Company In Dubai

author Post By: endeavour 15 Jan, 2022
Benefits Of Registering An LLC Company In Dubai

Some Of The Best Benefits Of An LLC Company Registration In Dubai

As we all know, Dubai is one of the best places to start or grow a business venture. Mainland business setup in Dubai is growing steadfast because the impeccable leadership to the geographical position makes Dubai the ideal to build up a prosperous business. Even during the covid-19 outbreak, the city managed to keep itself thriving with ease. Thanks to the immediate measures the government took for businesses. 

But how can you register an LLC in Dubai? What are the possible benefits you can relish with an LLC registration within Dubai mainland business setups? 

Limited Liability Company (LLC) is popular among everyone who intends to start a business in Dubai and it is regarded as the most common or standard business setup. You can form an LLC with at least 2 members and 50 members at most. It can be extremely beneficial in various ways.


Benefits of registering your company as LLC.

Convenient and Cost-effective Registration.

It is required for all mainland business setups in Dubai to be licensed under the UAE Department of Economic Development (DED). But the company can be registered easily within 90 minutes. It is a simple and convenient process that can help you attain various licences for various activities in the UAE. The general belief is that the cost to form an LLC in Dubai is unaffordable, but the cost to set up one is very unlikely to go over AED 100,000 even after taking the specific nature and type of your business under consideration. 

Foreign ownership in UAE. 

Limited Liability Company's 51% of the shares must be owned by UAE local partners so 49% of the ownership is obtained by the company. They can act as local partners and that can be advantageous to the company in many ways. These local partners will be dormant partners and their main job is to make sure all the paperwork goes right.

Trade across UAE.

LLC companies can directly trade with the whole UAE market and the investors can reap the benefit of establishing branches along with other mainland business setups in Dubai. LLC registration can open the door to leasing land and workplaces without bothering about restrictions on areas. 

Wide range of business activities. 

The global business hub Dubai is a city where you can achieve success in every industry. The number of startups and growing industries prove the potential of Dubai's mainland business setup. But contrary to other types of companies, an LLC is not forced to function under a limited set of business activities. There is an extensive range of business activities that an LLC can indulge in. There are about 2000 activities that are permitted by the DED and you can apply for a licence in any of them. You can easily widen your reach across the UAE if you opt for an LLC registration; even in free zones.

The liability!

Entrepreneurs starting to establish a company and budding startups need financial security. It is achievable with a simple LLC registration and the limited liability protection can secure all shareholders as it separates the corporate entity from the finances of shareholders. Limited liability protection helps you manage personal funds because shareholders are only responsible for the extent of shares they own in the business and legal advisers in Dubai are always available to give you the best guide to navigate through the processes. 

Shareholding for up to 50 members.

An LLC requires a minimum of 2 members, but it can go up to 50 members as mentioned before. Businesses can analyse market conditions and choose the suitable number of stakeholders they want to include in their business. It can be 2 or 50 according to the business model you're trying to follow and it can always be expanded from the minimum number whenever you want. 

Alluring tax cuts.

Since Dubai is a constantly growing industry, the financial growth and stability give the government enough freedom to offer multiple business opportunities to thrive. The government can afford to offer benefits to LLCs and mainland business setups in Dubai such as alluring tax cuts, easily available corporate bank accounts, flexible capital requirements, low import duty etc. An LLC can easily thrive with these benefits provided by the government. 

Unrestrictive visa management.

Starting an LLC in Dubai makes you eligible for a residential visa lasting up to 3 years. The visa allowance can be expanded when your business acquires 100 sq.ft of area throughout your venture. 

Moreover, the visas for family, relatives and domestic staff is easily accessible if you start an LLC in Dubai. The visa process is uncomplicated, so you can focus on your business activities without worry. 

How to register an LLC in Dubai?

The process may vary throughout the jurisdictions but given below are some of the general procedures to follow for an effortless registration. 

  • Firstly, it is important to select the appropriate legal structure for your business

  • You should select the trade name before applying for registration.

  • Notarization of documents and legalising them must be completed

  • The documents must be submitted to the Department of Economic Development to acquire the licence.

  • Commercial/ Industrial/ Professional licence will only be received after the final submission of documents.

  • Labour cards and established cards are post-formation requirements and they should be ready for easy visa procurement.

  • Then the visas will be processed.

In conclusion, an LLC company registration among mainland business setups in Dubai is a pretty straightforward hassle-free process that can ensure attractive benefits. Once you acquire the documents after completing proper procedures like notarization, it is only a matter of following a set of procedures to obtain LLC registration.

You can benefit immensely from an LLC registration. Benefits such as tax cuts, foreign ownership, liability protection, unrestricted trade and more are just a few steps away. The steps themselves takes very little effort and it can be done within a brief period of time. So, an LLC registration can be effortless and beneficial enough to make you stand out among the other Dubai mainland business setup.